Tami Shaikh
5 min readSep 9, 2018

Meet Naheed Shaikh, my mother and my hero!!

Tell me about yourself?

I am a mother of 5 children, and I live in Pakistan with my husband. I spent a large part of my life in America, where we migrated to in the 60’s.
When I look back on my life, I realize that it has been filled with incredible experiences. All of my children are doing well and settled in their lives.

If there is one thing that you could change about the world, what would it be?
Guide people well to realize that self-sufficiency leads to happiness.

Now that all your children are gone, how do you keep yourself busy?

At this point in my life, my goal is to help others and give back to the community. I genuinely believe that I can only pay back for the blessings that were given to me-by helping others.

But you always helped others, growing up I remember…
Yes, I did.
I grew up watching my own parents always helping others. You can call it social work or charity, but they helped everyone. No one would come to our house and leave empty-handed. People would come at all hours of the day and night, and my mother would never turn them away. She would go to hospitals and buy medicines for people who couldn’t afford them and do so much more.
My father was…



Tami Shaikh

Author of 3 books, Contributor to Huffington Post, Thrive Global, & Chicken Soup for the Soul. Life is full of stories; I like to tell them. www.tamishaikh.com